-Basic knitting techniques- Long tail cast on

This stretchy and frequently used cast-on method is great for various projects. To start, leave a yarn tail that is 3.5 to 4 times the width of your knitting piece, and make your first stitch from that point.

Pull a length of yarn about 3.5 times of the width of the knitting project you are going to make and wrap it around your left hand.

Insert your index finger of your right hand in the loop, grab the yarn and pull it through.

You can make a loop as shown in the figure.

Insert two knitting needles together in the loop and pull the end of the working yarn (This is the first stitch of the cast on).

Hold the knitting needles in your right hand and yarn over your thumb and index finger of your left hand.

In this order ①, ②, ③, scoop the yarn with the knitting needles following the direction of the arrows.

This is how it looks after scooping the yarn.

Remove the yarn from your thumb and put your thumb under the yarn you just removed.

Pull the yarn with your thumb to make a second stitch. ※ Repeat 6-9.

Cast on as many stitches as you need.