Rose Pattern Table Mat
Approx. 33 cm x 33 cm (square)
• Bleached cotton fabric (33 cm x 68 cm)
• Embroidery thread, pink
Preparing the table mat material

Prepare a piece of bleached cotton fabric in the size shown in the diagram. Fold in half, sew, turn inside-out, and iron.
Turn the mat inside-out and lightly iron.
Copying the design
The size of the pattern design below is 15.5 cm x 15.5 cm. Draw a 31 cm x 31 cm (square) outline and cut out the design template. Place the template inside the table mat, and copy the design four times to fill the total area. Adjust the positioning so that the pattern joints look as natural as possible.
Remove pattern piece. Stitch along folded edges using a blind hemming stitch.
Embroider the whole pattern with evenly spaced running stitches. When all stitching is complete, soak fabric in water to wash away the marking lines. Leave to dry. Iron to finish.