Flower Pin Book
Sachiyo Ishii
15.5 x 9.5 cm
All-purpose sewing needle
Sewing machine
Press iron
• Calico Fabric, medium weight 17 x 22cm
• 4 pieces of Felt Fabric, 17.5 x 7cm each
• Small amounts of printed fabric
• Small amount of felt fabric for flower centres
• Sewing thread in matching colours
• Red sewing thread
• Snap button
• Light weight cardboard or sturdy card
With Rotary Cutter, cut Calico fabric to the measurements in diagram for book pieces.
Cut a sturdy card to Flower templates without seam allowance (use dotted lines to cut).
With Air Erasable Marker, mark flower motifs on fabric and cut them out (templates include 1cm seam allowance). Make slits to sharp corners and work a running stitch around flower, within seam allowance. Place card template at centre of fabric piece and pull thread tight to gather. Press with iron.
Mark seam allowance and centre of book on one Calico piece. With Black Gold Needle Applique Sharp, sew large flower to Calico, using over-cast stitches. Sew large and small flowers on right hand side and another pair on left in mirror image.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for leaves.
Cut out felt for flower centres and sew them to flowers.
Cut out felt for flower centres and sew them to flowers.
Turn piece right side out and press the edges with Roll and Press or iron.
Close the opening with ladder stitch discreetly. With red thread, work a running stitch around edge of book, piercing through both layers from front to back.
Cut out Calico for the strap piece to the measurement given. Fold the strap piece in half lengthwise with right sides together. Sew one of the short ends and turn right side out. Fold in the seam allowance along long edge and sew over the fold. Tuck in seam allowance of unsewn short end.
Attach strap at the back of book (see diagram).
Attach a snap button to the other end of strap and corresponding position on front of book.
With Rotary Cutter, cut out felt fabric pages. Layer them with the largest page on the bottom first and the smallest page on top. Mark the page centre and hand sew them together, working through all layers.
Attach felt pages to the book, sewing the pages and cover together at the centre fold.