Candy Corn Kitty
Debbie von Grabler-Crozier
approx. 13cm height *7cm wide
• Wool tops in the following colours: Light grey, white, yellow, orange, pink
• Black animal eyes
• Black nylon thread for whiskers
• Small piece of lace or ribbon about 25cm long
• Cork or natural wood slice with bark- approximately 8cm diameter
• Natural birchwood heart- approximately 5cm diameter
• Self-adhesive letters to form the word ‘Boo’
• Thread to match your lace
An Important bit
Please read all instructions and assemble requirements before beginning the pattern.

Begin with the candy corn body- this is the easiest if you are a beginner too. It is larger and easier to handle. You need three colours of felt (white, orange and yellow) and the Needle Felting Tool. The white traditionally goes on top, the orange in the middle and the yellow on the bottom. Let's start with the yellow. Take a piece of wool and roll it to make a thick shape about 14cm wide and 5cm tall.
tip: As you felt, this will become much smaller and you will add more layers of felt to get the size and shape that you want.

Felt the yellow and add more layers until you have a firm piece about 7cm wide x 3cm high x 3cm deep.

Add in some orange wool and felt that, blending into the yellow and keeping the basic triangle shape.
tip: The template will give you an idea of the size and shape that you are after.

When you have added in the orange layer (this one will be about 7cm wide x 2cm tall), start adding white. Keep felting the triangle until it measures 9cm wide x 8cm tall x 2cm -3cm thick. You can add more felt at any time.

tip: On the top, make the point of the white part slightly flat IMAGE 5 and don't felt it completely just yet. That will make it easier to attach the catʼ s head.

The cat's head comes next. Take a small amount of light grey wool and roll it into a ball. You need this ball to be about 10cm diameter to begin with (A).
Felt with the Needle Felting Tool and add more felt layers as needed until you have an sphere about 5cm across (B).
tip: The sphere should be firm but leave some fibres on the base of the sphere. This makes it easier to attach the head.

Add the ears next. Take a small piece of light grey wool and this time use the Pen Style Felting Tool. You are aiming for a flat triangle (have a look at the template for the guide shape and size). Felt using the mat until you have a little triangle.
tip: Leave some of the bottom of the ear un-felted. This will make it easier to attach the ears to the head.

Make a second ear and then attach them to the head using the un-felted base of the ear.
The mouth and nose are the last features on the head. Make a smaller (about 3cm diameter) ball this time and felt it slightly. As you did for the ears, leave some unfelted fibres on one side of the ball. Make two eye holes by felting deeply in one place.
tip: The Water Erasable Marker is great for planning where the facial features go.

Felt the muzzle to the front of the head and spread the unfelted fibres to make it easier to attach.

When you are happy with the face, add some details. You need the Pen Style Tool and a fine needle.
Make a little pink nose by rolling a small amount of wool and attaching it to the top of the muzzle. Roll a very thin piece of black wool and felt it to the front of the muzzle to make the mouth.

Thread the largest hand sewing needle (#3) with nylon thread and add three whiskers to the muzzle. Glue the eyes in.

Attach the cat's head to the candy corn body. Felt to make the neck a little thinner.
Make the arms and legs next. These are basically the same, roll some grey felt to make either long round pieces for the arms or short pieces for the legs
Felt them so that the arms are about 7cm long and the thickness of your little finger and the legs are about 5cm long and the thickness of your thumb.
The arms should have round paws on the ends and the legs need to be flat on the bottom.

Attach the legs to the bottom of the candy corn body.
Felt the arms to the sides but leave about 2cm at the end where the paws are.

Stick the letters to the birch wood heart to spell ʻBoo!'.
Glue the heart to the middle of the body and glue the paws over the edge of it.
Glue the whole cat to the cork or wood slice so that it stands upright.

Finally, take your lace and gather it along one side. Tie this to the cat's neck to make a little collar.