Magnet Pin Caddy & Dome Threaded Needle Case

What is it?
“I’m on pins and needles.” We’ve all heard the phrase and we know what it means. A sense of anxiety or suspense. But how could that possibly apply to sewing? Pins and needles of course. We all use them but they’re all armed with wickedly sharp little points. Hence the anxiety or suspense. We’ve all been stuck more than once while we’ve had to sort through a pile of pins or needles looking for the one we need. But it’s a hodge-podge of shafts and points all aimed in different directions so not so easy. And if we’ve ever left a few threaded needles in close proximity to each other then we have the added task of untangling sharp points and threads. Also a daunting task. So what to do? Clover has the answer for you in the Magnet Pin Caddy and the tried and true Dome Threaded Needle Case.
What does it do?
Pins and needles are absolutely essential to almost everything we do in sewing. The task is to manage all of these small, sharp tools effectively. You know, keep them clean, organized and easily accessible. To assist us in our task Clover produces two management tools that make it all so simple.

Art No. 4105 Magnet Pin Caddy
Clover’s Magnet Pin Caddy is more useful than ever. You’ve got an unmanageable stack of pins and the caddy has the magnetic management answer. By simply holding the face of the pin caddy over your stack of pins and they are all magnetically (read magically) lifted, aligned and readily accessible for your use. No poking, no sharp surprises. But what if we’ve got more than one type or size of pin? Fine and extra-fine quilting pins, appliqué pins, flower head pins, whatever. Just use a separate pin caddy for each. And to make that easier and more organized we’ve made the Magnet Pin Caddy stackable. Just put on the locking cover and stack them in any order that suits you.

Art No. 625 Dome Threaded Needle Case
For anyone who uses thread and needle to complete a project, the Dome Threaded Needle Case is a must. And that’s basically all of us. When the time comes and we need a threaded needle the last thing we want to do is stop the creative process to actually thread that needle. Using the needle case we can thread up to ten needles and store them and their attached threads securely and cleanly. Until we need them. Then all that is required is to select the appropriate needle with thread and remove it. And the creative process continues unabated. Easy.
By Steve Butler