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A fun handmade project, perfect for Easter

Decorate the table for Easter with a special handmade idea to celebrate spring.

Go egg hunting with an original Easter basket!

Egg hunting is an absolute favourite of children. Fill a basket with snacks and toys. Baskets can quickly be completed using thick yarn.


Easter Egg Hunt Basket


Bязалъный крючок Amour 8,0 mm

Easter Bunny announcing the arrival of spring

Bunnies signify the prosperity of descendants and are a symbol of Easter, as are eggs.


Easter Bunny Dolly


Бамбуковые спицы для вязания Takumi с одним заостренным концом 23cm/3.50mm


Easter pompoms


Приспособление для изготовления помпонов (сверхмалое)

A cute duckling together with Easter eggs

Decorate by placing it near the eggs and nest to brighten up the Easter table even more. They can be easily made using pom-poms.


Spring Duckling


Приспособление для изготовления помпонов (малое)

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