Kitten Cushion
Debbie von Grabler-Crozier
・2x 50g balls yarn in a gold colour. I am using Drops Alaska.
TIP: you will only need a small amount of the second ball.
・1x 50g ball bouclé yarn in brown. Mine is Drops Alpaca Bouclé Mix.
・Small amount of yarn in black (about 3m is plenty). I love Drops Alaska.
・Polyester toy stuffing to fill the cushion. I am using Decowatte by Vlieseline.

With two strands of yarn (one gold yarn and one bouclé), cast on 50 stitches.
TIP: leave a yarn tail about 40cm long when you cast on.

Join to knit in the round.

Knit until the work measures 25cm long.

Bind off the work and leave a yarn tail about 40cm.

Thread a large darning needle with the 40cm yarn tails and close the top edge of the cushion.

Sew across the top of the cushion on each side to create ears.
TIP: get the ears right- measure 5cm on the top edge and place a stitch marker. Then measure 5cm down on each side and place another. Sew with doubled Bouclé yarn straight between the stitch markers.

Thread the darning needle with black yarn. Embroider a face using the template as a guide.
TIP: the eyes and nose are made with satin stitch.
TIP: position the face in the centre 6cm down from the top edge.

To make the whiskers, thread a piece of yarn and make a knot.
Make three whiskers on each side of the nose.

Secure the yarn behind the nose.
To finish the base of the cushion, use the darning needle and 40cm of yarn to weave in and out of every second stitch.

Stuff the cushion well with polyester stuffing.
Pull on the darning yarn to close the base of the cushion. Secure the thread.