Edge Bound Cloth
Designed by
Debbie von Grabler-Crozier
Designer's comment on the project
Time needed to make: 2-3 hours Please read all instructions and assemble requirements before beginning the pattern.
The seam allowances are 0.5cm and have already been added.
・1 cotton face washer about 30cms x 30cms
・Fat Quarter of pretty fabric to make the binding
・Good to know- a Fat Quarter of fabric is approximately 50cm x 55cm and a Fat Eighth is approximately 22.5cm x 55cm. These are two very useful pre-cut sizes and are found almost everywhere.”
From the fat quarter:-strips cut 4cm wide on the bias to make 125cm of bias binding when joined together.
Make the bias binding:

"With the right sides together, join your strips to make one long piece.
TIP: it is important to overlap the tips of each strip just slightly when you join them. "
Press the seams of the bias binding open.
Poke one end of the long strip through the bias tape maker.
Pull the end a little so that the fabric strip naturally folds towards the wrong side.
Press the folds and keep pulling the bias tape maker, pressing as you go.
Prepare the cloth:

Cut the bulky the edges off the face washer and trim to 30cms square.
"Using something round, round all four corners.
TIP: I like to trace around a cup or something similar and then cut the corners out."
Bind the cloth:

Fold one end of the bias binding over to the wrong side by 1cm and press.
Unfold the binding and lay it along the edge of the cloth and pin or clip.
Sew the binding onto the edge of the cloth.
Fold the bias binding over the edge of the cloth and sew the remaining side by hand.