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Needle Felting Tools


Today, we had uploaded the new project sheet Pom Pom Monkey.

You can make lovely monkey with our Pom-Pom Maker and our felting tools.

We have 3 types of “Needle Felting Tool” and all of them come with very fine needle(s).

Art No. 8902 Single Needle Felting Tool

For small items and details.

Art No. 8901 Pen Style Needle Felting Tool - 3 needles.

For speeding up the early stage of felting.

Art No. 8905 Needle Felting Tool, up to 5 needles.

To tackle a large project.

For the project sheet of Pom-Pom Monkey, 2 of them, Art No. 8902 Single Needle Felting Tool and Art No. 8901 Pen Style Needle Felting Tool are used.

Here is the testimonials from the designer Sachiyo Ishii who made Pom Pom Monkey for us.

She refers to our tools of Art No. 8902 Single Needle Felting Tool and Art No. 8901 Pen Style Needle Felting Tool and the needle itself inside the each tool.


I have searched high and low for quality felting needles through online specialist.

Felting needles come in different size and shape; the larger the needle number the finer the needle.

The most commonly used are #36 to #40 range, triangular or star point.

I like to use fine needle because it does not leave holes after punching with it.

Clover Fine Weight Needles do not come with gauge number on the package but apparently, it is #40, triangular.

As for the Heavy Weight Needles, they seem to be equivalent to #36 and these two cover most needs.

My favourite is Fine Weight.

It is an all-rounder which works well from an early stage of felting to finishing up details.

Fine needles have fewer barbs but Clover Fine Weight Needles has 6 barbs, 2 on each edge.

It is a delight to use this product. It goes in the fleece very smoothly and leaves no marks.

I have used needles with same gauge and shape in the past but never felt as comfortable as this one.

There is more to the descriptions for felting needles.

Triple needles (Pen Style it is called) are another amazing tool.

I had to ask myself where I have been all this time!

When you are using multiple needles, you feel more resistance, however, this product has the same very fine #40 needles bundled up closely together.

This tool speeds up your felting tremendously.

I have been felting for years but I have never come across as an exciting tool as this one.

I heavily rely on the triple needles now and cannot think of living without them!

The holder prevents needle(s) from breakage, make you feel safer and easy on your hand.

I used to use a single needle without a handle but since the switch to the Pen Style, I noticed that I am more aware of working with a sharp tool.

I haven’t pricked myself since the switch.

Try Clover’s innovative felting tools.

You may discover something new even if you are a veteran felter!

