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BEADING LOOM (Accessories)



"Earrings: Approx. 2.5㎝×2.6㎝ (17 stiches×15 rows) Bracelet: Approx. 1.1㎝×16.3㎝ (8 stiches×97 rows) Necklace: Approx. 0.4㎝×85㎝ (3 stiches×496 rows) Approx. 0.4㎝×75㎝ (3 stiches×448 rows)"



• Cylinder beads (11/0): Black 2.4 g I Gold 0.6 g I Silver 0.3 g

• Cut beads: Grey (5 mm) x 2/ Gold (4 mm) x 2

• Earring fittings x 1

• Jump rings (4 mm) x 4

• Beading thread (#60 Polyester): Black


• Cylinder beads (11/0): Red 1.4 g I Orange 1.3 g/ White 1.2 g I Cyan 1.2 g I pink 0.7 g I Blue 0.4 g I yellow 0.2 g

• Pearl (8 mm) x 1

• Beading thread (#60 Polyester): White


• Cylinder beads (11/0): Any color x 16 1.1 g each.

• Beading thread (#60 Polyester); Any color


Beading Loom Accessories_template_enのサムネイル

Rezeptblätter (pdf)





Adjust the length of loom to fit the length of woven piece 5.5 cm, shortest position. Warp the loom. 18 warp threads. See the instructions [Warp thread technique A] . Hide the warp & weft threds. Have another thread and pass the needle through the piece zigzag as the illustration* Zigzag above. Then, finish it as the illustration.



Adjust the length of loom to fit the length of woven piece 18.5 cm. Warp the loom. 9 warp threads. See the instructions [Warp thread technique Al. Then, weave as show in the diagram of bracelet. Hide the warp & weft threds. Have another thread and pass the needle through the piece zigzag as the illustration* Zigzag above. Then, make the picot as the illustration. Have another thread and pass the needle through the piece zigzag as the illustration* Zigzag above. Then, make the loop and the ball to finish as the illustration.



Adjust the length of loom to fit the length of woven piece 21.5 cm; the longest position. Prepare 4 warp threads with 115 cm or 125 cm, depending on your desired length of necklace. Warm the loop. See the instructions [Warp thread technique BJ. (Doubling the outside threads allows you to create a stronger piece.) Weave as the Necklace Diagram with all 16 colors. Hide the warp threads and connecting both sides into a circle as seen in the illustration. Hide the weft thread to finish.